Check out our programme & seminar summaries below to see everything we have planned this year at nua!

12noon - 6.30pm
registration & camp set up
family worship
(adult tent)
kids & youth session 1
(no pre-school)
7pm - 8.30pm
(Andrew Masters & Eoghan Heaslip)
8.45pm - late
campfires & smores
9pm - 10pm
silent disco
(youth tent)
9.45pm - 10.45pm
late night worship
(adult tent)
lights out
site open
7.30am - 8.10am
camp devotions
registration open
(day ticket holders)
9am - 9.20am
family worship
(adult tent)
pre-school, kids & youth
session 2
9.30am - 11.30am
(Lucy Peppiat)
free time
1.30pm - 4.30pm
inflatables & games
(parent lead)
2pm - 3.30pm
prayer appointments
(kids tent - no sign up needed)
1.45pm - 4pm
(details below)
4.30pm - 5.30pm
community hog roast & bbq
(included in ticket price)
5.30pm - 6.30pm
free time
family worship
(adult tent)
kids & youth session 3
(no pre-school)
7pm - 8.30pm
(Adam Cox)
8.45pm - late
campfires & smores
9.45pm - 10.45pm
late night worship - youth
(youth tent)
9.45pm - 11pm
late night worship
(adult tent)
lights out
site open
7.30am - 8.10am
camp devotions
registration opens
(day ticket holders)
family worship
(adult tent)
pre-school, kids & youth
session 4
10.30am - 12pm
(Charlotte Curran)
12pm - 3pm
family picnic
(bring your own)
12.30pm - 2.30pm
3pm - 4pm
site pack up
site closed

main sessions

Session 1

Andrew Masters & Eoghan Heaslip

“Receiving Blessing”

Session 2

Lucy Peppiat

"Living Under the blessing of God"

Session 3

Adam Cox

"Ireland, called to bless the nations"

Session 4

Charlotte Curran

“Living in the Blessing of God, here and now”

saturday seminars

Christine Westhoff

“Discerning God”

Adult Tent | 1.45pm - 2.45pm

Hearing God's voice is a phrase we say often in charismatic circles, but truthfully, it's rather inaccurate. We rarely, if ever, hear a voice. In this workshop, we will have a lively conversation regarding the mystery of listening with our whole being. What does it look like to train our senses to discern the Presence, action, and movement of the Holy Spirit?

Donna & Nathaniel Jennings

“Just Church”

Youth Tent | 1.45pm - 2.45pm

‘What is the church?’ is the prophetic question for God’s people to discern today, as we grapple with who we are and how we respond to the changing needs and questions within our communities and culture. How can we become a community where Holy Spirit speaks, moves and works through ‘all flesh’, together? Why does this kind of community matter for the prophetic witness across Ireland in 21st century? Drawing from personal experience of race and culture, our family journey of disability; from the biblical vision of the reconciliation of ‘all things’; and our practical experience of working with the church - Nathaniel and Donna host this important conversation - with you. Join us as together we pursue not a new, but a re-newed imagination for what it really means to be church in our time, and our place.

Lucy Hill & Lauren Jackson

“Discovering Prayer in your community”

Kids Tent | 1.45pm - 2.45pm

Lucy (Director of 24-7 Prayer Ireland) along with Lauren 24-7 Prayer Regional Coordinator in Northern Ireland/ nua prayer team lead) will be leading a seminar this year focused on Prayer and what God has been doing throughout the year as churches and organisations have signed up and taken part in the 24-7 Prayers Year of Prayer initiative. They will be unpacking practically how prayer in your context can look, what it is to build a prayer room and why it's worth it. Together with others they will share stories and dig into how we can see a church revived and a culture rewired through prayer.

Lucy Peppiatt

“Stewarding the Spiritual Gifts”

Adult Tent | 3pm - 4pm

Where some people imagine the spiritual gifts are optional extras for the Christian life, Lucy will explore how the gifts should be understood as an integral part of Christian discipleship within the church. Together we'll look at how the gifts of the Spirit are given to the church to mature and form us into Christlikeness and how we can grow in the gifts as individuals and a body.

Adam Cox

“Making Disciples”

Youth Tent | 3pm - 4pm

Jesus made disciples and asked us to follow in his footsteps. How did Jesus do it and how do we join him in the joy of making disciples in all of life?

Judith Cairns

“Marriage and family”

Kids Tent | 3pm - 4pm

In an increasingly complicated world, which seems to be accelerating and changing all the time, the task of parenting can seem daunting. The good news is that family is the strongest influence on our young people. How can we create space for clarity and compassion as we step confidently into conversations about relationships and sex. In this seminar we will consider how we can be people who share God’s better story at each age and stage with our children, encouraging them to build strong healthy relationships.