Nua is a joint venture arising from the prayerful conspiring of a collective of friends representing a number of different churches and communities. e.g. Vineyard Ireland, Tobar, 24-7prayer Ireland


Leadership Team 


Andrew Masters

Lead Pastor of Lagan Valley Vineyard

Alain Emerson

Lead Pastor of Emmanuel Portadown


Neil Alexander

Lead Pastor of Centre 61 Ministries

Planning and Administrative Team 


Tash Proctor

Laura Laverty

Youth & Kids Team

Robbie Norton (Youth) 

After qualifying as a secondary school R.E teacher, Robbie assumed the role of Youth Pastor in Emmanuel Church and has been serving in this capacity for the past 3 years. When not immersed in youth programmes, prayer, or theology books, Robbie is playing football in the Irish League. Most importantly, he is married to Tara, and together they enjoy trips to the North Coast, strong coffee, and a good Netflix series.

Christopher McNaught (Youth) 

Chris McNaught is the Youth Pastor at Lagan Valley Vineyard Church. Chris is passionate about Jesus, and helping young people step fully into everything Jesus has in store for them.

Ryan Osbourne (Youth) 

Ryan has completed a degree in Theology, graduating from Belfast Bible College in 2020. Ryan joined Emmanuel Church as a young teenager and has been involved in leadership ever since. Ryan is currently three years into his role as Youth Pastor in Emmanuel Church. Alongside this, Ryan runs a local coffee business, ‘Selah’, with his wife Lauren (look out for their coffee cart at the Festival). When not ministering or running a business, Ryan and Lauren are likely to be exploring the sites of the next country on their bucket list.

Amy Woods (Youth) 

Amy is part of the Youth team at NUA and is Youth Pastor at Lagan Valley Vineyard. She is passionate about journeying Jesus alongside young people, encouraging, and empowering them to carry the Kingdom into all that Jesus has for their futures, peers, and beyond. Jesus led us into the most unexpected of encounters with our young people at NUA last year. Our team could not be more excited and expectant for all that this year holds.

Sarah Hermin (Kids) 

Prayer Team

Lauren Jackson

Lauren is leading the prayer team at NUA. She is passionate about prayer being a living breathing way of life that we are each and all invited into! “I am so excited to gather together on a field and be part of the new thing we believe God is doing, in us and around us.”

Worship Team

Our incredible worship team for NUA is led by a number of different churches from all over Ireland. This collective includes Lagan Valley Vineyard, Emmanuel, Central Belfast, Journey Church Lisburn, and Christian Fellowship Church. 

We are really blessed to have this incredible group leading us in worship at NUA 2024.